Extension Of The Period Of Sale Of Sandwich Application Forms: 2017 Contact
We wish to request for your approval of an extension of period of sale of sandwich Application Form for two weeks starting from July 1st to July 14th 2017.
The essence of this request is to enable us make more sale as we did not start on time due to the introduction of on-line registration which took much of our time to adjust and also constant net-work failure.
In addition to the above, Registrar is kindly requested to approve for an extension of period of sale for the following affiliates run their sandwich programmes differently from University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
- College of Education, Ikere Ekiti – July ending
- Spiritian International Scholl ofTheology, Attakwu-Enugu – September ending
- Trinity Theological College, Umuahia – September ending
- Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri – July ending
Sequel to the above, the registrar is kindly requested to direct the Director ICT to leave the Net Open for the period as contain in the request.
With kind regards.
Nwufo, M.C. (Mrs.)
Principal Assistant Registrar
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